I must confess to becoming addicted to YouTube and Google video for a day! I discovered a new way to cast on my knitting as well as how to carve a gourd, but did also explore some library YouTubes as instructed. The Rosetta Stone @ your library looked liked fun and the Art Express exhibition was terrific. A few of the library tours were a little dull I must admit.
Uses for YouTube in our library would be for author visits, showcasing of story time activities as well as a walk-through of the proposed plans for our new library building. This would be great for the many members of the public who missed seeing the static posters that were on display for a short time in the library. Also, the plans are constantly evolving as more consultation takes place with the architects so YouTube would showcase the current stage of development.
Embedding took a few goes, but this Rock the library is for my son because he looks a little like these guys and plays the guitar : )